⭐️ 2024 – rohkem julgust? 

(English below)

Kuidas on Sinul lood julgusega? On seda piisavalt? Palju? Natuke? .. Üldse mitte?

Umbes aasta eest ütles mulle oluline inimene: “Ege, sul on kõik olemas aga kus on su julgus?”  Aitäh Sulle, Helen, selle eest! 

See pani mind liigutama! 🙏

Pärast sisekaemuseid ja mitmeid protsesse, otsustasin  julguse endas ellu äratada. Seda avastada ja sellega mängida. Sellega Isegi natukene kurameerida. 🙂

⭐️ 26. augustil viisin läbi ligi 100 osalejaga töötoa, mis on olnud senini minu suurim grupp.

Kogemus kujunes väga sügavaks ja ilusaks rännakuks ebaõigluse ahelatest andestuse, vabaduse ja elurõõmu suunas. Kõik mulle nii olulised teemad! Saadud tagasisisde annab mulle julgust ja kinnitust jätkata.

⭐️ Juulikuus võtsin vastu endale nii magusalt ebamugava väljakutse teha 30 päeva järjest Instagrammi laive. Jah, mõni päev jäi mul tõesti vahele 🙃, aga ka see kogemus andis mulle kõvasti inspiratsiooni ja julgust edasisteks sammudeks, sest tehnilised oskused vajavad mul jätkuvalt järgi aitamist.

⭐️Juba 4. septembril stardin Inglismaale Oxfordi EUROTAS rahvusvahelisele konverentsile https://eurotas2024.com, kus oma esinemisega end taas tublisti proovile panna saan. Minu workshopi teema on ⭐️ “Sild andestuse ja õnnelikkuse vahel.”⭐️ Olen nii nii põnevil. 

⭐️Kõige suurem julgustükk on olnud aga endale tunnistada, mida ma päriselt tahan ja kes ma päriselt päriselt olla soovin! …..  Ja mida mitte. 

⭐️⭐️Tundub lihtne? 

Minu jaoks on see olnud ja on jätkuvalt aga eneseületus, hirmude tunnistamine ja ületamine. Valede lõpetamine. Suur julgustükk ja enda haavatavaks lubamine.


ma tunnen selgesti, et kui mitte praegu, siis millal?

Praegu ongi ju minu aeg! Samuti, nagu praegu on Sinu aeg?😍

⭐️Millised suunas on Sinul endaga aeg julgelt aus olla? Millele JAH öelda ja millele sirge seljaga ja julgelt hoopis  EI? 

Jaga oma mõtteid ja liigume koos! Sest koos on palju toredam, julgem ja inspireerivam!

⭐️⭐️ Ja see kõik on ju alles algus!


⭐️ 2024 – more courage?

How is your courage doing? Do you have enough of it? A lot of it? A little bit? .. Not at all?

About a year ago, an important person sayd to me: “Ege, you have everything it takes, but where is your courage?”  Thank you, Helen, for that! It made me work!

After deeper insights and several processes, I decided to revive the courage in myself. To discover it and to play with it. Maybe even a little flirting with it. 🙂

⭐️On August 26, I conducted a workshop with nearly 100 participants, which has been my largest group so far.

The experience turned into a very deep and beautiful journey from the chains of injustice towards forgiveness, freedom and joy of life. All topics that are so important to me! The feedback I still receive gives me courage and confirmation to continue.

⭐️In July, I took on the oh-so-sweetly-awkward challenge of doing Instagram lives for 30 days straight. Yes, I missed some days, but all in all that experience  gave me a lot of inspiration and courage for further steps, because my technical skills continue to need skilling up..

⭐️Already on September 4th, I will leave for the EUROTAS international conference https://eurotas2024.com in Oxford, England, where I can challenge myself again with my performance. The topic of my workshop is ⭐️ ” The bridge between forgiveness and happiness.” I’m so so excited. 

⭐️The biggest step of courage for me has been admitting to myself what I really want and who I really really want to become! ….. And what not. 

⭐️⭐️Seems easy? 

For me, however, it has been and still is a journey of self-transcendence, acknowledging and overcoming fears. Ending lies. Collecting lot of courage and allowing myself  to be vulnerable.


i feel clearly if not now then when?

NOW is MY time! Also, like NOW is YOUR time?😍

⭐️In which area of your life you need to be bravely honest with yourself now?

To realise what to say YES to and what to say NO to? With a straight back, clarity and boldness? 

Share your thoughts and let’s move  ahed together! Because together it is much more fun, courageous and more inspiring!

⭐️⭐️ And all of this is just the beginning!

Erle Martin Elamuskeskus Tuuletorn

Ege's training was refreshing. He recalled what he had learned before, added new knowledge and thinking for the future. The training made me think about what is the 20% of our company so that everything works. The training also showed that one's own mental health is also important, how to deal with a difficult customer and provide good customer service. Sometimes we tend to forget that..

Liis Lindmäe Karusselli perenaine

Over the years, while working in the service, I have participated in many different training courses. However, Ege's was quite different. And awesome. Much more intense than others. Because Ege talks about what is really most important - not only the visitor - but instead the bright person, i.e. you, who waits behind the counter next to the front and welcomes guests. How can you yourself keep yourself in all this frenzy of hospitality, love yourself more and at the same time respect and value others. If you don't believe it yourself, try it & see how your world changes!

Koolituse tellijad Ivar ja Andrus (Roograhu, Ungru, Kpt Malm, Briis Bar & Resto)

We care about the service quality of our companies and we consider it important that the service staff feel confident and comfortable in the working environment. Ege's training was thorough and pleasant.

Kerstin Jaani Coop Eesti Keskühistu personalidirektor

"Many thanks! It was a very interesting training. A reminder for someone, a wake-up call that broadens one's horizons, that this too can happen. Everyone I spoke to and asked for feedback was satisfied and happy. Thanks!”


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