Ege Riitsalu

⭐️September saabki tehtud ja teekond on olnud rikkalik.💃

🔥Krooniks oli ja @aleftrust konverents “Creative Bridges” Oxfordis, kus viisin läbi oma esimese rahvusvahelise ja inglise keelse töötoa “The bridge between forgiveness and happinness”🥰
🔥🔥Väga rikkalikule Oxfordi kogemusele järgnes veel ühe minu unistuse täitumine 👉Londoni kogemus.
🍒Parimad reisikaaslased olid muidugi kirss tordil!

🔥Puudutatud ja laetud olen ka värskelt lõppenud @Õnneteraapia ehk radikaalse andestamise nädalavahetusest!🙏
🔥Radikaalne andestamine ja andestamise teema ka laiemalt, on mulle jätkuvalt oluline teema, millega jätkata.🤗

🌲Väga äge kogemus oli hoopis teises valdkonnas: “Meremajanduse” teemalise Keskkonnapäeva projekti koordineerimine koostöös @Hiiumaa Arenduskeskuse ja @Hiiumaa Vallavalitsusega.🌲

🔸fantastiline kogemus gongiööst Hiiumaa sõsarkonna naistega;
🔸rohkelt trenni, tantsu ja intensiivses coachingus toimetamist💪
🔸ilusaid ja sügavaid teraapiaid
🔸🔸podcasti külaliseks olemist
🔸nobedaid töömesilase päevi Vabaajakeskus Tuuletornis ja muidugi, mis kõige olulisem:

🩷ilusaid hetki enda, pere, sõprade ja loodusega!

Aitäh, september!🙏
Erle Martin Elamuskeskus Tuuletorn

Ege's training was refreshing. He recalled what he had learned before, added new knowledge and thinking for the future. The training made me think about what is the 20% of our company so that everything works. The training also showed that one's own mental health is also important, how to deal with a difficult customer and provide good customer service. Sometimes we tend to forget that..

Liis Lindmäe Karusselli perenaine

Over the years, while working in the service, I have participated in many different training courses. However, Ege's was quite different. And awesome. Much more intense than others. Because Ege talks about what is really most important - not only the visitor - but instead the bright person, i.e. you, who waits behind the counter next to the front and welcomes guests. How can you yourself keep yourself in all this frenzy of hospitality, love yourself more and at the same time respect and value others. If you don't believe it yourself, try it & see how your world changes!

Koolituse tellijad Ivar ja Andrus (Roograhu, Ungru, Kpt Malm, Briis Bar & Resto)

We care about the service quality of our companies and we consider it important that the service staff feel confident and comfortable in the working environment. Ege's training was thorough and pleasant.

Kerstin Jaani Coop Eesti Keskühistu personalidirektor

"Many thanks! It was a very interesting training. A reminder for someone, a wake-up call that broadens one's horizons, that this too can happen. Everyone I spoke to and asked for feedback was satisfied and happy. Thanks!”


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Aitäh, september!